Meet The Trainers
BK. Thompson
CEO of Saishupath, known to his closest friends as “B”, BK began his martial journey somewhere between the ages four and six and became proficient in several arts long before becoming a forward deployed Operations Specialist for the USN in Asia. That deployment provided the opportunity to study in areas where the foundation of many of today’s prominent martial arts were laid thousands of years ago. Shortly after returning he sought employment in law enforcement for one of the NY State agencies, became a defensive tactics instructor two years after the academy and began to train officers from various agencies. BK soon added enhanced fitness and military style exercises to his traditional martial arts drills during that period, and also developed a newfound interest in competitive bodybuilding which taught him the benefits of proper nutrition and strength training. This laid the cornerstone for the Saishupath that we know today. Ready Power for Peace!
Dallas Bell
If anyone could be considered a cofounder of Saishupath that would have to be Dallas. A lifelong martial artist and fitness enthusiast, Dallas has spared no expense when it comes refining technique, training methods, diet and the use of nutritional supplements. An undying drive and charismatic personality have given him the ability to meet, learn and work with some of the best in the martial arts and fitness community.
Gerard Kent
Gerard could easily be seen as one of the first students of what is now Saishupath. Having been a student of Kyokushin Karate for many years Gerard became the third student to begin training exclusively with BK upon his return to the states from Asia. The endless hours that he sacrificed to training over the years has granted him the ability and expertise to coach and enhance student performance in 2022 and beyond.